Thursday, June 6, 2013

Hope Springs Forth

Have you ever just been living life when all of sudden out of nowhere you feel hope?  Well, that happened to me this morning.  The hope was not the result of a thought; was not tied to any circumstance or situation - it was just a fleeting feeling that something good will happen.  If I had to paint a picture of my "hope", it would be the picture above.

Immediately I thought of the saying "Hope springs forth".  And spring it did!  This feeling darted into my existence and then was gone.  But even though it was fleeting it left a wake of goodness just like a boat leaving a wake of ripples in the water as it passes.

And when you think about it, the hope had to originate from some source within me since I could not associate it with any outward circumstance, relationship or thought.  The knowledge that this source of hope dwells within me leads to faith that there is more hope to come.

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